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Pivab เป็นผู้นำซัพพลายเออร์ตู้พ่นสีรายอื่นๆ ทั่วโลกมาเป็นเวลานาน! สิ่งที่ Pivab นำเสนอไม่สามารถเทียบได้กับผู้อื่นในแง่ของคุณภาพ ฟังก์ชัน ประสิทธิภาพ และเป็นมิตรต่อสิ่งแวดล้อม การออกแบบตู้พ่นสี Pivabs ออกแบบมาเพื่อลดต้นทุนด้านพลังงาน การรีไซเคิลอากาศในระหว่างการให้ความร้อน การกรองควันและอนุภาค และการทำงานจริงของงานประจำวัน จำนวนฟังก์ชัน บูธสเปรย์ของ Pivab ได้ปรับปรุงขั้นตอนการทำงานอย่างสมบูรณ์ซึ่งจะเป็นการเพิ่มการผลิต คลิกเพื่อดาวน์โหลดเอกสารเปรียบเทียบของ Pivab
Pivab has production systems where the production of products must meet the requirements for quality, cost-effectiveness and flexibility, while at the same time providing a good work content and a small environmental impact. Renewal of products and production systems is needed to maintain good competitiveness. The product is designed to provide a long life cycle and this is always determined and is a priority for pivab. Adaptation, material selection. product quality and that service and maintenance technical requirements are weighed into the constructive design. The cost of the product's disassembly and decommissioning is also taken into account with the aim of minimizing the product's total life cycle cost as well as possible risks for the environment and people.
For pivab, it is of great importance that quality is the highest priority and a long service life. also that we update the system to continue using the original product and thereby double the lifespan by 40 more years. it is worth minimizing the footprint on the earth and offering our customers a sustainable product with good quality for our customer to make money and provide security for their production
Must meet the requirements for quality, cost effectiveness and flexibility
Only long-life products are selected
Products are selected to have the least impact on the environment
Must be able to be renewed or upgraded with little additional work as possible
Disassembly and decommissioning activities are taken into account
Energy savings is vital to helping the environment

Reduced Running Costs - Pivabs design and materials are chosen to ensure the lowest running costs are obtained. This ranges from the airflow design to fan and motor sizes.

Using Electrical-Efficient Products - Every product chosen are from reputable brands which prioritizes energy efficiency in their products. The brands Pivabs uses include ABB, Schneider, Siemens and Phoenix Contact.

Over 80% Recycled Air During Dry Mode - Pivab have design their systems to use as much possible recycled air during drying mode. Today, Pivab can reuse up to 80% of the air in the spray booth during drying mode which helps in reducing the running costs.

Long Life-Time & Low-Maintenance - The benefits of choosing a Pivab spray booth go all the way past completion into maintenance. Pivab guarantees the best products available on the market so they know there is a long life-time with their spray booths.

Electrical, Water and Gas Heating - Pivab offers a range of heating sources. Depending on the customer location and the sources readily available to them, Pivab can recommend on the most efficient heating source.

Filter Pollutants - Pivab prides itself on reducing the toxic particles being released into the atmosphere. Pivab have chosen to only use European made and regulated filters to ensure that the particles are removed. Pivab has many types of filters ranging from paper filters to glass filter to pocket filters and even active carbon filters.

Long Life-Time & Low-Maintenance - The benefits of choosing a Pivab spray booth go all the way past completion into maintenance. Pivab guarantees the best products available on the market so they know there is a long life-time with their spray booths.